Are you ready to:
Enhance your interviewing skills so you can confidently build rapport and communicate effectively with even the most difficult of guests?
Learn how to create compelling Show Titles, Show Introductions and Calls to Action that captures your listener’s attention from the start of your show RIGHT through to the end of your show?
Become a sought after authority in your industry, while continue to attract incredible opportunities and ideal clients who you love to work with, because your podcast interviews continue to deliver outstanding value to your growing audience of ‘raving fans’?
Create powerful testimonial business case studies that showcases your coaching programs and services as you interview current (and former) clients on your podcast?
If you answered 'yes' you're in the right place!
Podcasting has become a great way for businesses to share their message, boost their visibility, while become a sought after authority in their industry. Which is why you probably already have a podcast – or are thinking of starting a podcast in the near future.
However, sadly, many podcast hosts are unable to make the impact they dream about, or generate the results they were hoping to achieve with their podcast, because:
They’re unable to build rapport with the guest and develop the type of connection required to set the stage for an interesting and informative show that an audience wants to listen to;
They struggle to come up with really good questions that enables the guest to share information their listeners will LOVE;
They’re unsure how to deal with difficult guests and therefore end up with interviews they’re unable to publish;
Despite all of the hard work they put into their interviews they feel they’re just adding more content to the ever-expanding noise and clutter – their podcast is NOT making the impact they had hoped for, and they know that could change if they could only improve their interviewing skills and the way they relate to and manage their guests.
These are just some of the reasons why I created this course – Interviewing With Purpose.
I began my first podcast after the Global Economy crashed in 2008. Back then I was working in the career industry as a Personal Branding Strategist and Career Coach.
[In fact, a few years prior I was recording information via audio for my clients and community. I had NO idea this medium of communication – a ‘podcast’ was going to play a major part in my career many years later!] Anyhoo, back to 2008.
A colleague and I were tired of the doom and gloom being portrayed by traditional media, as this was negatively impacting people’s mindsets and ultimately their approach to their job search.
So we started Career Success Radio to be the voice of inspiration, hope and possibility amongst the doom and gloom. We produced that show for two years and continued to educate and empower job seekers from all over the world, while build an impressive network of other career professionals and key influencers in the career industry through the guests we invited on the show.
After we finished that show I continued podcasting – hosting and producing Business Success Podcast, (later becoming Ambitious Entrepreneur Show, which won the Best Podcast Award in Business, Marketing & Entrepreneurship Category in 2017) and Women In Leadership Podcast, which was a Finalist in the Best Podcast Award in Business, Marketing & Entrepreneurship Category.
Today, I continue to host and produce three podcasts as well as podcasts for my Alliance Partners.
I've been dubbed ‘The Podcasting Queen’ (from guests, colleagues and clients); I've been nominated for and won awards for my podcasts; and I'm recognised as a pioneer in the podcasting space. I've also been honoured to have my podcasts syndicated on both National and International Radio - you never know where your voice will end up and whom you will continue to inspire!
I’ve been able to leverage my two decades of Personal Branding and Communications expertise, along with my 10 years’ experience in podcasting to work with an incredible portfolio of clients who are disrupting and/or innovating their industries. Including the Fin/Tech space, the new Share Economy, Marketing, Public Relations, IT/Management Solutions, Coaching/Consulting and many other Professional Services businesses.
Since 2008, I’ve interviewed literally hundreds and hundreds (AND hundreds) of guests from all over the world, from all walks of life, from different cultures and backgrounds, about vastly different topics, themes, and situations.
I’ve even conducted panel interviews and Round Table Discussion-type interviews with multiple guests/panelists, being pre-recorded, streaming Live on the Internet, right through to being live in front of an audience.
Today, I continue to host and produce three podcasts as well as podcasts for my Alliance Partners.
So, that’s a little about me. Let’s talk about you!
You have started a podcast (or are thinking about starting a podcast) as you’ve heard it’s a great way to build exposure for your business – but you’re not sure where to start in terms of preparing your guest, setting the stage for a great interview, interviewing techniques, etc;
You’ve already interviewed guests, however you’re not happy with the results, and you want to turn this around;
You want to build up your interviewing skills so you can better communicate with your guest, while be able to come up with just the right question at just the right time, while be able to manag the interview professionally right through to the show outro.
You want to leverage your podcast to nurture listeners into leads and ultimately clients by featuring interviews with current (and former) clients. I’ll show you how to create powerful testimonial business case studies that’ll enable you to showcase your coaching programs and services through the praise and successful outcomes of your clients – step-by-step.
I’ve put everything I’ve learned over the last decade in podcasting and over two decades in brand and communications within this course.
Learn everything you need to know so you too can develop and enchance your interviewing skills and techniques to create a podcast (or podcast series) that will ‘WOW’ your audience AND generate the results you’ve been dreaming about.
Enhance your interviewing skills so you can confidently build rapport and communicate effectively with even the most difficult of guests?
Learn how to create compelling Show Titles, Show Introductions and Calls to Action that captures your listener’s attention from the start of your show RIGHT through to the end of your show?
Become a sought after authority in your industry, while continue to attract incredible opportunities and ideal clients who you love to work with, because your podcast interviews continue to deliver outstanding value to your growing audience of ‘raving fans’?
This training will show you how. Click below to learn more about each of the modules.
Unsure how to capture and define your unique interviewing style so you can show up with purpose in all of your podcast interviews?
This module will help you determine the key elements that’ll make you distinguishable from all of the other podcast hosts including:
Lesson 1: Defining Your Core Values: [Length: 17.57 minutes]
Your Core Values are central to WHO you are, HOW you show up, and the experience you create for your audience. Get clear on YOUR core values and how you can leverage these to create an undeniable experience that only YOU can bring to the interview.
Lesson 2: Defining Your Unique Interviewing Style: [Length: 19.53 minutes]
Self-awareness is one of the most precious gifts you can give yourself – a statement I’ve been saying for over two decades. And, gaining an insight about your unique interviewing style so you can be on-purpose and intentional in how you show up in each of your interviews will enable you to build that distinguishable reputation – quickly!
Lesson 3: Your Winning Mindset: [Length: 6.08 minutes]
I can teach you the steps, processes and techniques to conduct a fantastic interview, but unless you have the right mindset –a WINNING mindset, you can still struggle. This module will help you create – Your Winning Mindset.
While preparing YOU is a key factor to creating a powerful and compelling podcast interview, so is preparing your guest. Sadly, many podcasters fail to do this.
You won’t need to start from scratch, as I give you access to my tools and templates that I use each and every day with my own podcasts (which you can tweak and rebrand) to ensure your guest is prepared and ready to go for an awesome interview.
Leverage streamlined introduction and scheduling templates to prepare your guest and enable you to capture the RIGHT information so you can create a stellar show in under 15 minutes, without having to do hours and hours of preparation beforehand. Many of my guests have commented how professional our process was, how supported they felt throughout the entire process, and how well prepared they were when we finally got to record their interview.
A well-prepared guest is important if you want to create a stellar show. And, every experience you create for your guest, speaks your brand and your guest may very well be a future JV, or alliance partner. Plus, the more prepared YOU are will positively impact the way you show up as the host and interviewer! Eliminate those NERVES!
Access Templates & Scheduling Resources that you can rebrand, tweak and use immediately, without having to reinvent the wheel! This will literally save you HOURS (and HOURS!)
[Length: 16.21 minutes]
Want to learn the exact format and approach I used on the two podcasts that secured Nominations as Finalists in the BEST Business, Marketing & Entrepreneurship Podcast Award, with one of the podcasts going on to be the overall winner of the Category?
I’ll show you, as well as other aspects that are crucial to the development of a stellar podcast episode, including:
Lesson 1: Show Formats [Length: 15.11 minutes]
Access my simple, yet powerful Plug-and-go show formats and structure that suits your style and preference whether you’re sharing inspiring information on your own, or whether you are interviewing a guest, or multiple guests.Each Plug-And-Go Template includes critical sections that enables you to showcase your expertise, engage and deepen your relationship with your audience, while continue to build and fill your funnel with ideal clients.
Lesson 2: Creating Compelling Show Titles [Length: 8.25 minutes]
Struggling to come up with show titles that will be found on Google by your ideal client, while compel them to listen to the show?This module shows you how as well as the copywriting tips and techniques I use, as well as what to avoid so you don’t get penalised by Apple Podcast (iTunes).
Lesson 3: Creating Compelling Show Introductions [Length: 7.28 minutes]
Don’t loose your audiences attention by falling into the trap that so many other podcast hosts fall victim to. People are busy so you need to capture their attention – quickly! This module will show you how, including what NOT to do, to avoid putting your listeners off, (or to sleep).
Lesson 4: Creating Compelling Show Outros [Length: 12.59 minutes]
Learn the typical outros to avoid (that sadly many podcast hosts make) and therefore fail to generate the results they want, as well as what to do in order to encourage your audience to take the next step! Not sure what that next step should be? I show you that too!
Learn powerful podcast interviewing techniques that I continue to use on each of my shows in order to build instant engagement, while maintain your audience’s attention. Find out how to communicate with even the most difficult of guests so that each of your podcast episodes are a stellar representation of you, your brand, and that continues to build your reputation as an authority in your industry.
Lesson 1: Mastering Your Mindset [Length: 8.04 minutes]
Learn key Mindset strategies crucial to become a highly skilled interviewer, while calm your nerves and enable you to show up with confidence in each of your interviews.
Lesson 2: Different Types of Questions PLUS Bonus Sample Questions [Length: 15.51 minutes]
Find out how to craft relevant questions that will enable your guest to share interesting and informative stories and information your audience will love.Learn the six different questioning techniques I use in all of my shows. I have even provided you with a BONUS set of questions that you can tweak and use to get started.
Lesson 3: Dealing With Difficult Guests [Length: 19.31 minutes]
Being prepared for ALL guests – even the most difficult of guests is important. Especially if you don’t want to have a folder full of podcast interviews you can’t publish because of a difficult guest that you found you were unable to build rapport with and who caused you to struggle to come up with great questions.I provide tips and techniques to deal with:
The spammy guest who sounds more like an infomercial;
The guest who doesn’t shut up;
The guest who hardly says a word;
The guest who is D.U.L.L. and B.O.R.I.N.G;
The guest who contradicts themselves over the course of the interview;
The guest who bounces around all over the place with their confusing content;
The nervous and anxious guest.
Lesson 4: Advanced Communication Tips [Length: 9.08 minutes]
Want to take your interviewing and communication skills to the NEXT level? This module will show you HOW, including a one of the common mistakes people make when they communicate, which will undermine their authority, how NOT to sound monotone, and how to show up and create a unique and distinguishable experience that your audience will appreciate, and why they’ll listen right through to the end of your show!
You’ve no doubt heard about the importance of sharing testimonials from current and former clients to create interest and desire from potential clients. However, sadly, the testimonials many coaches and consultants collect are bland and do little to create intrigue and desire.
In this module we’re going to cover how you can collect and create powerful and compelling testimonials through leveraging storytelling and business case study principles.
I’ve also included a video interview – business case study I did with one of my clients – Kashmira Mody so you can see how I have used the questions, while also repurposed the testimonial into a video, audio podcast, and written testimonial.
Lesson 1: The Value of Testimonials [Length: 2.14 minutes]
In this module we’re going to cover how you can collect and create powerful and compelling testimonials through leveraging storytelling and business case study principles.
Lesson 2: The Value of Storytelling [Length: 5.43 minutes]
In this lesson you will learn why storytelling is so powerful – especially when you incorporate a storytelling approach on your podcast.
Lesson 3: The Value of a Business Case Study [Length: 2.58 minutes]
In this lesson you will learn about the value of creating a business case study and how this can continue to nurture prospective customers into paying customers.
Lesson 4: Blending Testimonials with Storytelling [Length: 2.19 minutes]
In this lesson you will learn how blending testimonials with storytelling can help you create powerful business case studies that you can share on your podcast, your website as a written testimonials, and as a video business case study.
Lesson 5: The FIVE Powerful Questions to Ask [Length: 11.07 minutes]
Find out the five powerful questions to ask that’ll enable you to create a powerful business case study for your podcast (and your website).
Lesson 6: Collecting Testimonials – Making it as Simple as Possible [Length: 11.15 minutes]
In this lesson are some steps to keep the collection and creation of testimonials as simple as possible for you, and to set this up as part of your follow-up after working with a client.
BONUS: Example Testimonial Business Case Study with Kashmira Mody [Length: 42.50 minutes]
See the creation of a Testimonial Business Case Study in action including the powerful questions and storytelling techniques, along with how to repurpose this testimonial across your podcast, your website, and video channels.
Find out how to optimise your voice so you sound GREAT from a Master Voice Coach. In this bonus module you will learn:
Warm up exercises for your voice (which you should do on a daily basis to ensure you take care of one of your most important assets – your voice!); The importance of discovering your optimal speaking voice;
A quick way for people to find their optimal pitch, which is the starting point, and more!
More of Annemarie's clients and what they are saying
Vickie Janson | A political voice for Christian values
Annemarie Cross is a true professional. She is a gifted and articulate presenter and conversationist.
In our adversarial culture, Annemarie is a breath of fresh air with a special ability to put you at ease and engage meaningfully across many topics. It was a delight to be interviewed by Annemarie.
Her preparation, interview style and post-interview reflections offer a unique package and produce a very marketable podcast.
Bronwen Sciortino | Author, Simplicity Expert, Professional Speaker
Being a guest on Annemarie Cross's Women in Leadership podcast series was an absolute pleasure.
Annemarie was prepared, professional, and asked strong, quality questions that fostered a relaxed and informative conversation.
I'd highly recommend working with Annemarie - she has a knack for extracting your expertise and wisdom in a way that is fun and engaging.
Lisa Marie Pepe | The Confidence Coach
I had the pleasure of being a guest on The Women in Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross and it was one the most empowering and uplifting experiences I've ever had.
Professional, well-spoken, and passionate about empowering other women, Annemarie brings out the very best in her podcast guests.
It was both an honor and a privilege to be a guest on The Women in Leadership Podcast.
Kara Ronin | Leadership Brand & Etiquette Specialist
I have been interviewed by Annemarie twice.
After being interviewed on quite a few other podcasts, I can say that Annemarie is one of the best interviewers I’ve worked with.
She has a natural, guiding interview style, which is great for the podcast guest because you never feel like you're alone and left to bring up topics to talk about. You feel like you’re just having a conversation with a friend. I think this is the best way to manage a podcast interview for both the guest and the listeners.
Lorraine Pirihi | The Baby Boomer Specialist
Annemarie is a very experienced podcast and interviewer.
She knows the right questions to ask and makes the whole experience seamless.
Linda Reed Enever | PR & Marketing Go To Girl
Annemarie is a credit to her field. Her professionalism and organisation as a Podcast Host are impressive.
As a guest and PR consultant, I have always thought highly of Annemarie. You can hear it in her show. Her guests are always comfortable, informative, and have fun!
All of the video trainings, templates, and workbooks have been pre-recorded and added to the online learning hub, which are accessible as soon as you login to the private Member-only area.
While I recommend you complete each of the Modules sequentially, you have full access to ALL of the modules, so can skip ahead if you want.
The length of each of the trainings has been listed next to each of the trainings.
Each of the trainings has been intentionally structured in a practical and actionable way, which means you can begin to put each of the things you’ve learned into action immediately.